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Hello, I’m Jack Sullivan,
Superintendent of Mountain View School Division in
Mountain View School Division is located in the Parkland region of Manitoba, the longitudinal centre of Canada. Our school community is culturally diverse and consists of approximately 3,300students in 16 schools located in 7communities. Canada has always been taken the first place for the life in quality. Clean, safe, affluent, beautiful, and liberated are typical adjectives for Canada. Well developed public education, as a member of Canadian education organization I can’t miss this explanation to describe Canada.
Canada has the world-top-class public education system.
The global leader does not mean the leader who can speak English fluently only.
Students can recognize and analyze the social issues precisely, and students can foresee the future with logical thinking. Most of all, student can share those kinds of information with others in global language. The Education System provides students with safe environment to be inspired by themselves by just enjoying school life. That is the main reason everybody wants to study in Canada. As you know, Canada is God blessing nation, wide fertile land, many fresh water lakes, beautiful sceneries, underground resources as well as perfect infrastructure. I want to share them with you. We, including all members of Robin, Grandview, Gilbert Plains, Dauphin, Ochre River, Ethelbert and Winnipegosis, are ready to welcome you. I’ve finished remodeling of system structure of school division, hiring new teachers to fill up staff for managing after school program, recruiting well trained home-stay candidates, and contacting and getting support from federal and provincial and government officials.


我是加拿大马尼托尼巴州山景城教育厅厅长Jack Sullivan,我们的山景城教育厅位于加拿大大陆中心部的马尼托巴州。我们的学校社区文化丰富多样,在7个社区里,由16所学校,近3,300名学生组成。加拿大的干净、安全、富饶、美丽与自由闻名于世,一直是世人向往的高质量生活居住的首选国家。作为加拿大教育组织的一员,我无比荣幸地向大家介绍我们安全完善的公共教育体系。
众所周知,加拿大拥有富饶宽广的土地、清澈的湖水、美丽的自然风景以及完善的基本设施,是一个令人艳羡的国度。而我们希望与您同享这一国度,罗布林(Roblin),景怡(Grandview), 吉尔伯特平原(Gilbet Plains),多芬(Dauphin), 赭石河(Ochre River),埃塞尔伯特(Ethelbert),温尼伯戈西斯(Winnipegosis),等等所有地区的成员都随时准备欢迎您的到来。为了您的到来,我们对学校实施了重建,聘用全新的教师专项管理课后课程,挑选适宜的家庭居住地,这些措施都获得了联邦和省政府的大力支持。


I’m expecting to see you in Canada soon.

Thank you. jack sulivan_sign